Psycho-Philosophical Background

Psycho-Philosophical Background

By Bapak Hardjanta

This article offers some esoteric information on the positive and negative manifestations of energies. These matters cannot actually be talked about so the reader is asked to seek the meaning beyond the words, until he experiences it personally.


1.) I am the Absolute Life; God is the Absolute Life; I am God. (Aku iki Urip; Allah iku Urip; Aku iki Allah.) This I is the super-cosmic essence. It is spirit as far as it is not to be perceived by the psycho-physical senses. It is matter for panon which is the vision of the spiritual I.

2.) Cosmic existence is substituted by Hyang Suksma and Hyang Vidhi. Hyang Suksma is the “negative pole” of Hyang Tunggal, the super-cosmic essence. Hyang Suksma is Time as ‘Ding an sich.’ Hyang Vidhi is the “positive pole” of Hyang Tunggal the super-cosmic essence. Hyang Vidhi is Space as ‘Ding an sich.’ In microcosmos, the “negative pole” is called Suksma, it is the life of the senses. Its “positive pole” is called Nyava (Hyang Vidhi); it is the life of the body-mechanism. Hyang Suksma and Hyang Vidhi are occult as far as they are not to be perceived by the psycho-physical senses. They are matter for pramana, which is the vision of occult Suksma and Nyava.

3.) There is a “Wechse Wirkung” of Nyava and Suksma: In man, Nyava is the male and Suksma is the female element. In woman Nyava is the female element (the life of the female body-mechanism) and Suksma is the male element. During a successful sexual intercourse, if the male element in man (Nyava) comes in contact with the male element in the woman (Suksma), this contact creates a male human being. If the female element in man (Suksma) comes in contact with the female element in the woman (Nyava), it creates a female human being.

4.) Nyava and Suksma are occult light-centres. A Nyava-ray supplies the motor nerves with life-energy. This life-energy is non-physically to be seen as colours: red, yellow and black. These colours substitute respectively the following drifts: anger, lust and self-preservation. A Suksma-ray supplies the sensory nerves with life-energy. This life-energy is non-physically to be seen as a white colour. This colour substitutes the drift of sacrifice. There is an act of disintegration and integration of white, red, black and yellow colours. The different intensities of these colours decide their different characters.

5.) Worldly consciousness is created by the working of macrocosmos upon the nervous system by way of the psycho-physical senses.

6.) The aim of the psychological praxis is to reach God’s consciousness by means of temporally outruling the effects of the psychological drifts and para-psychological essences from the consciousness.
