Ramayana 2

The Wisdom of the Ramayana (Part 2)

(The Way to World Peace)
By Bapak Hardjanta




    1. The World-Problem is the problem of Man, and it can never be solved if the problem of man has not yet been solved.
    1. Man is what he is conscious of. Hence, the problem of man is the Problem of Consciousness.
    1. Content and Scope of the Consciousness are ultimately determined by Knowledge and Experience.
    1. Knowledge transcends experience i.e. knowledge reaches Ultimate, Objective Truth; the Basic Phenomenon, while experience is still confined by Instinct, Emotion and Intellect, resulting in Inner Disharmony. Hence, the Inner Conflict.
    1. This inner Conflict is reflected into the Outer Conflict, of which the modern world is the intrinsic Phenomenon.
    1. Inner Harmony which will be reflected into Outer Harmony is the result of knowledge and experience in Perfect Equilibrium.
    1. If the Universal Harmony is to be achieved, experience too must reach Ultimate, Objective Truth : the Basic Phenomenon. In other words : it must transcend Instinct, Emotion and Reason.
    1. This can only be attained by Self-Knowledge and Self-Rule. Hence, science, Self-Knowledge and Self-Rule must be the “Fundamental Anschauung (Concept)” of Man. In one word; “Self-Realization!” Self Realization is the Law, Self Realization is the way to Wisdom Philosophy, the exact meaning of the Mardika! (kavi: Liberty.)
  1. This Institute is the Executive Body of this Law, which will reflect World-Harmony, World-Order and World-Peace: The Ultimate Aim of UNESCO as proclaimed in the Preamble of its Charter, bringing with it: The Final Solution of World-Problem!

Intellectism (as a modus operandi),

Divinity (empirically real),

Social Justice.

Humanity (as an antipode to animalism),

Universalism (as an antipode to egoistic nationalism),

Nationality (as an antipode to egoism : Individual, family and party) and

Unitary Democracy


The Sapta-Gama Super-Institute is the Executive Body of this Law, which will reflect World-Harmony, World-Order and World-Peace. The Ultimate Aim of the U.N.E.S.C.O. as proclaimed in the Preamble of this Charter, bringing with it : The Final Solution of World-Problem !

“Mardhika, Mardhika, Mardhika!” What is now the nature of man’s consciousness? The following diagrams will clarify our problem :


  1. Flight
  2. Repulsion
  3. Curiosity
  4. Pugnasity

  5. Self-Abasement
  6. Self-Assertion
  7. Food-Seeking
  8. Parental Instinct
  9. Appeal
  10. Sexual Instinct
  11. Gregorious Instinct
  12. Acquisitive
  13. Constructive
  14. Laughter

Small circle = INSTINCTS
deriving its lives from the NYAVA-SPARKS.

  1. Fear
  2. Disgust
  3. Wonder
  4. Anger
  5. Subjection
  6. Elation
  7. Appetite
  8. Tender Emotion
  9. Distress
  10. Lust
  11. Feeling of Loneliness
  12. Feeling of Ownership
  13. Feeling of Productivity
  14. Amusement

(Sub-division, according to W.McDougall)

Small circle = EMOTIONS deriving its lives from the SUKSMA-SPARKS.
The blank between the points is the region of the Aristotelian intellect, which known itself by itself (directly). The points between the blank are the region of the modern reason, which knows indirectly by way of the senses, As long as man is only conscious of the instinctive, emotional and thinking vibrations, which are sustained by the sparks of the NYAVA-, the SUKSMA-, and the ATMA-LIGHT-CENTER, he is doomed to remain the egoistic, most lustful, thinking animal, who can never be tamed nor bridled by Laws, how perfectly just they may be.

Inner Circle = ATMA-ESSENCE
Outer circular point = the flow of thought units, deriving its lives from the ATMA-SPARKS.

As long as man is only conscious of the instinctive, emotional and thinking vibrations, which are sustained by the sparks of the NYAVA-, the SUKSMA-, and the ATMA-LIGHT-CENTER, he is doomed to remain the egoistic, most lustful, thinking animal, who can never be tamed nor bridled by Laws, how perfectly just they may be.

The way to transcend instincts, emotions and thinking is in MADHYA-LANGKA respectively called MARGA-WASPADA, MARGA-WASKITHA and MARGA-WICAKSANA, the brief description of which is as follows:


  1. The Way of Respiration : Under-belly-respiration, centralized in the region of the milt.
  2. The Evocational Prayer According to one’s own religion.
  3. The Manner of In and Exhilation : As subtle and as slow as possible, without stopping.
  4. Metaphysically Observing the Route of the breath through the Sevenfold Nature of Man covering and penetrating the physical body.
  5. Metaphysically Hearing The Roaring Sounds and Cannon-Shooting just before each of the Sevenfold Nature is to be seen. In essence, this is the coming in contact of the breath with the marrow.
  6. Each of this Sevenfold Nature is to be seen as Metaphysical Colour.
  7. This process culminates in the appearance of the Self within the Frame of the MYSTICAL SUN.


  1. The Way of Respiration : Under-belly-respiration, centralized in the region of the milt.
  2. The Evocational Prayer According to one’s own religion.
  3. Trying to stop the Sensory Vibrations.
  4. Metaphysically the Breath is to be seen as fog.
  5. The Fog becomes T R A N S P A R E N T.
  6. This is followed up by a Lightning Ray from the Right and Left Eye, forming with the Breath the MYSTICAL CROSS.
  7. The Mystical Cross disappears into the Self within the Frame of the MYSTICAL MOON.


  1. The Evocational Prayer According to one’s own religion.
  2. Trying to BAN the Influence of the MARGA-WASPADHA and MARCA-WASKITHA from the Consciousness.
  3. Trying to stop the Vibrations of the Reason.
  4. Fixing the Mind before the FOREHEAD.
  5. Metaphysically the A U R A is to be seen surrounding the HEAD.

The question now arises Where is God that is the climax of Wisdom ???? The answer is God is the Essence that brings the vital stream of life to MARGA-WASPADHA, WARGA-WASKITHA and MARGA-WICAKSANA. It is absolutely impossible to reach the Consciousness of God without or by neglecting MARGA-WASPADHA, MARGA-WASKITHA and WARGA-WICAKSANA.

This three MARGAS are to he practised regularly until they can be used fluently and skillfully enough surpassing the following stages

  1. Decreasing all physical need and retreating oneself to a place of tranquility, in this way depriving the passions of any possibility to hinder the process of Self-Realization,
  2. satisfying all physical need but still secluded in the place of tranquility, this means to permit the activity of the instinctive, emotional and mental vibrations within the process of Self-Realization,
  3. taking notice of worldly matters, this means confronting all temptations with the skill-fullness of Self-Realization,
  4. in all activities, mental, emotional and physical, this means to train the Self to face all worldly influences so that the reaction of the Self become a REFLEX, and
  5. confronting a crisis, instinctive, emotional and mental, which usually evokes the maximum vibrations of the instincts, the emotions and the reasons, for instance, facing deadly danger ( the vibrations of instinct, emotion and reason to save oneself ) and the opposite sex ( the vibrations of instinct, emotion and reason to multiply oneself ).

Having passed this fivefold examination, one can never lose this TRI-MARGA-CONSCIOUSNESS. The way I show you is indeed arduous, but: perfect skill is guaranteed in facing and handling anything.

This is the only way to save oneself from natural and social calamities which have been pioneering the N E W W 0 R L D. It is up to you………….! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! !

Here, the art is to turn one’s burning-point of interest from thought, instinctive and emotional drifts to blank interval, from being to non-being, from reason to intellect, from maayaa to bodha, from the finite to infinite, from the known to the knower, from hsin to tun-wu or satori, from physica to meta ta physika, from psyche to Logos, from dhat nisbi to dhat mutlaq, from thaumata to theos, from gnosis to sophia, from aq’l to Aq’l, from the temporal now to the eternal now, from nyata to sunya etc. etc. etc. The realization of this Super-Consciousness may be called: Umwertung aller Werte”, in the true sense of the word. The bundle of flesh, called man, who was formerly the slave of his instinctive, emotional and rational faculties, becomes now their master. Determined by this Metaphysical, Objective Truth, his social action will always be in conformity with the Unitary-of-Life-Principle.

EQUIPPED WITH COSMIC VISION, the Ramayana-Doctrine appears to him in all ITS METAPHYSICAL GRANDEUR, giving birth to a social, moral and political order, which are EFFECTIVELY permeated by LIVING DIVINITY ! ! ! ! ! ! ! The perfectly liberated man, who happens to be a ruler, is able to safeguard his territory, by utilizing the EIGHT LORDS, even if it comprises the whole world.


A Proposal

S(aptagama) E(saprana) M(rabawani) A(yuning) R(at)


Any world-peace-movement which founds its conception on ideological, instinctive, emotional, dogmatically religious or majority principles will fail, due to current contradictions an sich.

Should there be any chance of success, it must be free from ideological, instinctive, emotional, dogmatically religious and majority principles.

Man’s activity is determined by the totality of the self, subconscious, conscious and super-conscious. Therefore a world-peace-movement ought to be based on the totality of the self, militantly harnessed toward Peace : peace within himself, peace within the family, peace within the regional society, peace within the national society, peace within the international world.

Since the sub-conscious and the super-conscious part of the self is only known fragmentarily, the first step towards world-peace ought to be started by implementing an autodidactive training course in this field, comprised in my TRIMARGA instruction, which is to be considered as an empirically verifiable working hypothesis.

Should you agree with me, please establish an autodidactive training centre in your home, send me your full name and address and give me your eventual support in publishing a monthly for the necessary meeting of mind. God be with you.
